Sign up steps

Please follow the following steps to sign up for the site and to be approved. 

Step 1. copy the link below and paste it into a new tab.

Step 2. This page will be opened and click on "Get started now"

Step 3. After clicking "Get started now" A sign-up form will appear. Then create an account

Step 4. After creating an account you will be asked some 2/3 simple question 

Answer the question simply. You can choose any of them. So don't worry about your answer.

Step 5. After you finish this question you are done.  Just Click on "setup up your payment account" 

Step 6. After you click you will be asked to enter your payza email. If you have  enter payza email if you don't have payza email just fill the email u used to sign up.

So just enter the email and click submit your payza email.

This is the most important part don't forget to enter your email in the box.

Step 7. You are almost done just after you submit the email click on the "Yes i agree" and "click here to complete activation" then you are done are done. 

Step 8. You are done after u click "click here to....activation" you will get this page.

This is the last picture when you finish the sign-up. Send me this screenshot of your account.

Please follow the exact steps provided above.

Thank you for signing up. when you reach the final step I will be notified by your username and email so just send me your email and username so I can credit you for signing up. 
